Ophthalmology | Personalized Medicine | Lasik | Epigenetics

My practice is focused on the prevention and treatment of eye and systemic disease using Epigenetics. As an Ophthalmologist I am especially interested is using Epigenetics in the management of macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. As a doctor interested in the welfare of my patients I enjoy providing Epigenetics for many medical conditions as explained at xRMD.com.
My prior accomplishments included being part of the earliest FDA trials on PRK in 1988. In 1994 I developed my own approach to Lasik Eye Surgery in conjunction with the FDA. I was the first surgeon in Ohio to do Lasik (2nd in the USA) and chosen to win an international award on Lasik in 1998. I participated in the development of a silicone inside the eye contact lenses. We were first to implement the concept of a small hole in the center of a posterior chamber lenses to simplify surgical implantation. One of my favorite ideas had to do with an attempt to treat macular degeneration by activating an enzyme called thrombin with light inside the eye. It resulted in a PhD thesis for a graduate student at Duke. Prior to Duke I studied medicine at Cornell Medical College where I worked with a great team of doctors treating retinoblastoma. Before that I studied engineering at Case Western Reserve University. My career has always been to innovate new ideas to improve the quality of life of my patients. I now do that with Epigenetics and continue to do that with Lasik. - Dr. Rozakis